Saffiatu Barrie & C2C

Saffiatu Barrie is a high schooler, passionate child rights advocate and head of the Children-2-Children (C2C) community support group in Sierra Leone. C2C unites children to combat violence and provides free ICT education to boys and girls aged 10-19. Saffiatu is using the Giving Joy grant to implement the FilmFemmes/Skilled the Unskilled Video Editing Project, an initiative aimed at empowering women and girls through film and video editing skills. Using Adobe software, the 10 participants are trained to create compelling content that advocates against violence towards women and children. The video and editing equipment purchased through the grant has enabled hands-on training, significantly improving the quality and effectiveness of the program. This initiative has not only equipped participants with valuable skills but has also boosted the visibility and credibility of Saffiatu's organization, C2C, within the community.

On a personal level, Saffiatu has gained deeper insights into the needs of the community and the transformative power of education. For her organization, the project has expanded its reach and strengthened its role as a provider of essential educational resources. The community has benefited from seeing young girls acquire skills that can lead to economic opportunities and social change.

The 10 participants have already begun working on a short film addressing child maltreatment, which will be screened in various communities, sparking broader discussions on critical social issues. The films will also reach a wider audience through C2CTV, Saffiatu’s platform that amplifies community voices.

“Running the project in a location without electricity has been challenging. In a community where women and girls are often expected to stay at home or work in agriculture for their biological and foster partners, the perseverance of the participants has been truly inspiring. Their passion for learning and creating has allowed them to overcome these significant barriers,” Saffiatu shared.

In the coming months, participants will work on projects addressing key issues such as child maltreatment, menstruation, women’s health and injustice, violence, sexual harassment, and inequality. These films will be screened in their communities, giving families and neighbors the opportunity to witness the participants' work and raising awareness of these important topics.


Centre for Women & Youth Empowerment (CEWAYE)


Feminismos Del Sur